Talent Show 2025 SHIRTS
(Round 2)
Deadline to Order 1/31/25
"CAMPER" and "CREW" shirts are available for any adults or children to order.
Step 1 - Fill out the Google Order Form
(This form will let you choose the style and size for the shirt)
Step 2 - Make your Payment
Pay by SQUARE: $15.75 each to include Square Fee
Pay by CHECK: $15 each. Make checks payable to RL Stevenson Elementary
and write Talent Show Shirt in the memo section.
Pay by CASH: $15 each. Please leave in an envelope in the office with the student's name and label it "Talent Show Shirt"
Step 1 - Fill out the Google Order Form
(This form will let you choose the style and size for the shirt)
Step 2 - Make your Payment
Pay by SQUARE: $15.75 each to include Square Fee
Pay by CHECK: $15 each. Make checks payable to RL Stevenson Elementary
and write Talent Show Shirt in the memo section.
Pay by CASH: $15 each. Please leave in an envelope in the office with the student's name and label it "Talent Show Shirt"