Tech Rehearsal - 1:30-4:30pm, Wednesday, February 27th
Please have your child bring ALL the props they are using
Dress Rehearsal - 1:30-4:30pm, Thursday, February 27th
Please have your child bring their full costume with their name on it to school on a hanger.
The costume must be hung on the clothing rack by the gate at morning drop-off with your child's name clearly marked.
Show Days:
All acts MUST arrive at the Sign-in/out table at 5:45pm on Friday, March 1st and at 1:15pm on Saturday, March 2nd
Their costume should be on a hanger with their name on it.They will then be directed to the appropriate green room
Tech, Dress and Both Show Days:
Please send your child with water and a snack for these days and for show days. They tend to get hungry during rehearsals and we don't have snacks to provide. For show days we will have some snacks, and water to refill their own water bottles. Consider packing a sandwich if you think a light snack won't cut it for them
A quiet activity (book, or a puzzle etc) may help them pass the time. No electronics please!!! Parent volunteers are not able to monitor what the kids are looking at.
Students of R.L. Stevenson Elementary! Are you ready to create our own radio program?
Acts can include...
All Music Genres, including...
* Rock * Pop * Hip Hop * Country * Classical*
All Variety Show acts, including
* Comedy * News * Podcast * Short Stories *
and so much more!
Pirates may only participate in ONE act
This does not include the 5th Grade Dance. Information on 5th Grade Dance will be sent home after winter break.
The number of acts per section and the number of times the same band/artist can be used is limited.
Sign-ups are time-stamped and on a first-come basis.
No two acts can use or perform the same song. Priority will be given to the act that first completes their online Talent Show Packet.
Acts may not exceed 90 seconds.
We require all music to be provided as an electronic MP3 file. If an act is singing to music, a karaoke track must be used.
Original compositions are welcomed.
Pirates may not lip sync.
Pirate Performers are required to attend:
All rehearsals for their section
Tech and Final Dress Rehearsal on 2/27/19 and 2/28/19
Both shows, Friday, 3/1/19 at 6:30pm & 3/2/19 at 2:00pm
Pirate Parent Agreement
This is a community effort and we need all hands-on deck!! We ask Pirate Parents to ensure:
Performers attend all assigned rehearsals and shows on time.
Parents volunteer three hours toward the talent show (flexible as to place and time, can be at rehearsals, days of shows, behind the scenes, or prep).
Every child will be required to audition their act on January 16th or 17th, 2019 during a specific time slot between 3:00 and 5:30pm
All students who audition will be a part of the show.
Auditions are held to check for appropriateness of content. This is decided by the Talent Show Committee and the Principal. All decisions are final.
Acts do not have to be 100% complete for the audition. The concept and music must be decided.
Rehearsals will be scheduled according the section of the show in which your child participates.
Show sections and rehearsal times will be determined AFTER auditions.
Your child is required to attend all of their section’s scheduled rehearsals.
Acts are required to prepare and rehearse their acts at home between scheduled rehearsals.
Rehearsals are closed. Only the performers, office approved volunteers assigned to the show, and staff are allowed to be present.
Students must be picked up on time. In order to ensure the students’ safety, we have a sign-out procedure for which you will need to allocate time to come in and complete.