Is the talent show going to be live on stage with an audience this year? Rehearsals and performances will happen on stage in the school auditorium this year. Our plan is to have a live audience on performance days. When is the talent show? Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6:30pm and Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 2:00pm.
My student is in after school care. What's the protocol? Volunteers can escort kids to and from ON CAMPUS afterschool care programs: Boys & Girls Club and Around the Bell. If your child is in ASD you will have to speak with them directly and see what time they leave campus.
This is a lot of rehearsals. Does my student really need to be there for all of these? The short answer is yes. We are happy that you noticed that the talent show is a big commitment. It is. But the calendar can be overwhelming when you look at it as a whole rather than in its parts. TK-4th Graders have 2 short rehearsals in January, 3 longer rehearsals in February (plus one optional rehearsal in February should they choose to sign up) and 2 long rehearsals in March. That is only 7 required rehearsals. If they also sign up to be in the whole company number/act -- that will require extra rehearsal time. 5th Graders play a bigger role in the show and how many rehearsals they are required to be at depends on how many aspects of the show they sign up for. (They can sign up for a talent act spot, the 5th grade dance, the 5th grade skits, and the Whole Company Number/Act). Keep this in mind when registering.
What to expect at the 1st rehearsal (5 minute slots). The artist gets on stage for the first time, says their name and grade, and then performs what they have already completed. Singers should be as memorized as possible by the first rehearsal. All performers should already have their act roughly planned out (and choreographed if needed).
What is the purpose of the rehearsals? The purpose of the rehearsals is to get ON STAGE practice. Rehearsals on stage also help build the student's confidence and allow the director time to fine-tune the wonderful act that the students have created at home. Rehearsal time is to get comfortable with the stage, lights, microphones, entrances, exits, and crew. The rehearsals are a Closed set. NO PARENTS OR GUARDIANS are allowed in the auditorium unless they are cleared volunteers who have signed up to be there. This is for the student’s safety and the team’s ability to run rehearsals with the freedom to give direction. The show is designed to allow students to select and perform their choice of act for the show. Students agree to create and practice their acts at home -- rehearsals are for stage practice only. My 5th grader is in a talent act with a younger student...should they sign up for a rehearsals slot? That is totally up to you and your group. 5th grade talent acts will rehearse on Wednesdays but it you have a younger student in your group, you are welcome to sign up for a Tues or Thurs 5 minute or 15 minute rehearsal in January. That said, all 5th grade performers are required to attend the 5th grade rehearsals on Wednesdays.
How do I register? Registration starts on 12/8 @ 6pm until 12/20 at midnight. Cleared volunteers getEarly Access to Registration link If your pirate plans on participating in the talent show this year, please make sure at least one of your student's parents or caregivers is a cleared volunteer before registration begins in December. When you sign up your performer for the talent show you will also have to commit to volunteering at least 2 hours of your time towards the talent show rehearsals or performances. Cleared volunteers will have early access to talent show registration -- Friday, December 6th - two days before it is posted publicly. This is very important and NEW this year. Song choice is 1st come, 1st served. If you aren't yet a cleared volunteer, please do not wait until December to begin the clearance process. Register here:
If I am in a group act, can I just do one registration for the whole group? No, every member of the group needs to complete individual registrations so that we can collect contact information and permission agreements from your grown-ups.
How do I sign up to perform in the 5th Grade Dance? or to be in a 5th Grade Skit or Commercial? Register here from between 12/8 @ 6pm and 12/20 at midnight. Register here:
I am a 5th grader, do I have to attend the talent show workshop on 1/8 if I only want to be in the 5th Grade Dance or a 5th Grade Interstitial Sketch or Commercial? Yes, Garri Dance will be teaching the 5th Grade Dance choreography (2:45-3:30pm) and we will be workshopping and casting the 5th grade skits during the workshop.
What is the Talent Workshop for 5th graders? For 5th Grade performers, this also means casting the 5th grade skits and learning choreography for the 5th Grade Dance. Students must be registered for the talent show in order to participate in the Talent Show Workshop. The talent show workshop is required for 5th Grade performers.
Can I do a filmed performance like I did in a previous year, even though the show will be live on stage again this year? Please contact the talent show team and pitch your idea. We will see if it is something we can do: [email protected] When are Talent Show auditions? There are no auditions. The first time you will perform your act for the team is 1/14, 1/15 or 1/16.
What is the 5th Grade Talent Show Workshop? The 5th Grade Talent Show Workshop is an opportunity for 5th Grade performers to meet with the directors and producers to discuss their act, gain confidence & have fun while participating in theatre & improv games, PLUS learn the 5th Grade Dance and workshop the 5th grade skits and commercials.
Do I have to attend the Talent Show Workshop? This year the workshop is for 5th graders only and they are required to attend.
What safety measures are you taking during the audition and rehearsal process? We will follow whatever the current guidance is from the district, county and CDC at the time of the auditions and rehearsals.
Can I write my own song or sketch? Absolutely. We encourage original works.
Can I do something other than sing, play an instrument or dance? Yes! We want to encourage all kinds of acts. When trying to decide on an act, think to yourself---how can I present this on the stage in an entertaining way? Other ideas could include magic tricks, gymnastics, an act out of a poem, scene, speech (you can be the writer, or find something you love that has already been written)... Think to yourself...what can I do in 90 seconds or less that would be fun to watch on stage. Feel free to reach out to the director if you need help brainstorming ideas: [email protected]
Can I do a performance that is shorter than 90 seconds? Yes. We actually believe 75 seconds to be the sweet spot! I would like to be a part of the talent show but I don’t want to perform. 5th graders can email the producers at [email protected] and they will help brainstorm ideas for how you can get involved!
Will anyone be taking photos for the yearbook? Yes! The talent show photo shoot is scheduled for February 2nd. And our amazing yearbook team will be taking photos during the Dress Rehearsal on March 6th.
What do you mean when you say that I need to email an edited version of an mp3 file to you? If you are using a song in your act, we need to have a copy of it so we can play it on the sound system during your rehearsals and performance.
The song should be cut to 90 seconds in length and uploaded by 1/6.
If your act is “singing a song,” you need to provide a track with no singing on it for the rehearsals and performances…(aka an instrumental or karaoke track).
If you need help cutting your song or finding a karaoke version, please email [email protected] asap before 1/1.
Wait! I have more questions that you didn’t answer here! Great! Email your questions to [email protected] and the director or producers will get back to you asap.