Registration Begins: Sunday, 11/20 at 6pm Registration Ends: Friday, 12/2 at Midnight
Audition Workshops 12/5 (2:30-6pm) or 12/6 (2:15-5:45pm) Performers attend ONE workshop day (When choosing a workshop day, leave a note in the comments if you need to leave early and we will get you on stage first after the workshop portion of the event. If you are only participating in a 5th grade related act such as the 5th grade Dance or a 5th Grade Skit/Commercial, you are not required to attend the workshop -- but you are welcome to!)
Rehearsals Performers will be assigned ONE rehearsal per week until tech week. Rehearsals will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:25/2:55 - 5pm from 2/1 until 3/2. Time slots will be assigned after winter break. Wed 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1 Thurs 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2
5th Grade Dance Rehearsals A choreographer from Garri Dance Studio will be rehearsing with the 5th Grade Dancers in school during recess. Dates TBA.
5th Grade Skit/Commercial Rehearsals Rehearsals will be after school. Dates TBD based on the performer's schedules. Tech Week Rehearsals 2:15/2:30 - 6pm Mon 3/6 - Thurs 3/9
Every grown-up who signs up a pirate performer to participate in the talent show must also volunteer at least two hours of their time towards the talent show. Volunteers must be cleared through the district prior to their shift(s). The Talent Show is a very volunteer-heavy event and we will need all hands on deck -- especially during tech week and on performance days. Check out the volunteer opportunities, and clearance requirements, here.
Acts Can Include
Singing - Dancing - Comedy - Acting - News - Short Stories - Science Experiments - Yo Yo Tricks - Chalk Drawing - Magic - Poetry - Puppetry - Gymnastics - Shadow Dancing - Juggling and so much more!
Please read ALL of the below information prior to sign-up!
Pirates may only participate in ONE act.
This does not include the 5th Grade Dance or 5th Grade Commercials/Interstitials.
This does not include the opening number/act that performers of all ages are invited to participate in.
No two acts can use or perform the same song.
Sign ups are time stamped and priority will be given to the act that first completes online Talent Show Sign Up.
Acts may not exceed 90 seconds.
For rehearsal and performance purposes, all music acts must electronically submit an edited MP3 file and lyrics of their song to [email protected] before rehearsals begin in February.
Singing acts must use a karaoke or instrumental only track for rehearsals and performances.
For audition workshop purposes, all music acts must electronically submit an MP3 file to [email protected] by 12/3 so that we can play your song through the sound system in the auditorium during your "audition".
Singing acts may use a vocal track and hold the printed lyrics during the audition workshops.
If your act is “sing a song”, you may not lip sync during the performance.
Pirate Performers are required to attend:
All of their scheduled rehearsals, tech/dress rehearsals and performances
That said, we are all volunteers and can be flexible. Just let us know! [email protected]
Due to Covid-19 health restrictions, Pirate performances must adhere to all CDC, BUSD and Los Angeles County guidelines in effect at the time of the auditions, rehearsals and performances.
Parents will not be allowed in the auditorium during auditions and rehearsals (unless they are actively volunteering).
Pirate Parent Agreement
This is a community effort and we need all hands-on deck!! We ask Pirate Parents to ensure:
Performers attend ALL scheduled rehearsals.
Grown-ups volunteer two hours toward the talent show (flexible as to place and time).
How to Participate
REGISTER for the talent show. This involves filling out the Google form that collects registration info, a student agreement and a permission slip, selecting an audition time and sending us your music. Everyone needs to register including 5th Grade dancers and commercial and interstitial performers.
Attend the Audition Workshop. Choose which day is best for you. This will be so much fun! The afternoon will include vocal warm-ups, physical warm-ups, theatre games, and -- your chance to SHOW us your solo or group act you plan on performing in the talent show. Everyone who registers and attends the Audition Workshop will be able to participate. Acts do not have to be performance ready for the audition workshop. The concept and music must be decided.
REHEARSE. You will need to practice at home and attend all scheduled rehearsals on stage with the Director.
PERFORM on stage! Take a bow!
Solo Act: One performer in a 90 second act.
Group Act: Two or more performers performing together in a 90 second act. Audition: This is your chance to show us what you plan on doing for your Solo or Group Act in the talent show.
If you are dancing or singing, you will need to email your mp3 before auditions (by 12/3).
You do not have to have your act memorized for auditions.
The purpose of the audition is for the talent show team to get a feel for what your act is and start planning the best way to showcase your talent in the final show!
Rehearsals: This means practicing your solo or group act, as well as your entrance and exit, on the auditorium stage.
You will need to practice at home and also attend one scheduled rehearsal per week during February, plus tech/dress rehearsals and performances in March.
Solo and group acts will be assigned rehearsal dates starting February 1st.
Rehearsal assignments will be emailed out after the audition workshops.
Tech Rehearsal: These are the rehearsals in which we start setting the sound, lights, props, etc.
Dress Rehearsal: These are the rehearsals where we add in costumes and wardrobe. These rehearsals may also be recorded.
Performance Days: These are the days you get to perform on stage for the Stevenson Community.
For more information on this year's talent show, please email Marilyn Loyd at [email protected]